This Is Not Love

MSC Presents:
for SATB a cappella
Music by: Tyrese Walters
Text by: Elsa Gidlow

Premiered by Modern Sound Collective in 2024.


MSC0020 – This Is Not Love – SCORE PERUSAL PDF


This is not love by Tyrese Walters is a piece about love in times of hardship. With text by Elsa Gidlow, this is an emotionally charged work that reckons with the validity of one’s love for another despite a lack of emotional connection or depth, choosing to accept it despite its shortfalls.


This is not love: we cannot call it love.
Love would make me aware of infinite things,
Drive me down the spirit’s vast abyss
And through the narrow fastnesses of pain.
This is not love. Yet it holds loveliness
Beyond mere pleasure. Peace and passion both
Grow from the kiss with which I paint drab hours.
It is not love: love is for the gods
And our more godlike moments. Yet when stars
Withhold their splendor, why should we not light
Candles to warm with kindly mortal flames
The all-enfolding, cold, immortal night?


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